Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I have WAY TOO MUCH vintage right now. I don't really see it as a problem, but I'm running out of storage room, so I decided to mark down some shoes and clothing in my ETSY store

Yes, those Balenciaga's are on sale now!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Back to Etsy time!

This week has been a bit of a drag. My Grandmother passed away and I quit a job. Lots of stress.

Today, I decided to start anew and put up some more listings on Etsy. I know lots about fabric and garment construction, but I keep finding myself stumped on fabric types today! The fabric section of the Rolodex that is my brain won't open. So, I put up a few listings. I'm hoping the fog will lift by tomorrow, so I can go full steam ahead.

Well, I still know what cotton is!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Re cap

I'm exhausted and headed to bed. The last 3 days have been emotionally draining, but FULL of good vintage. I will elaborate on them some time when I'm not going to fall asleep on my laptop. Good night!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Char...The one that got away...

So, I was doing some reading online today...I'm trying to be a vintage sponge and educate myself on every label EVER! I've learned more in the last few months than I ever imagined I could, which is why I'm so annoyed when I do research on a label that I know I've passed over in the past. I know that not too long ago I passed up a leather Char piece. Grrrr! It's water under the bridge now, so no use in my being upset. I stumbled upon the label while perusing Posh Girl Vintage. I looked around online a bit and all I could really come up with was that its a leather design company from Santa Fe. If anyone can give me more info on Char I would greatly appreciate it!

On a wonderful bright note, I did stumble upon another Vested Gentress dress (I have 3 now!). It's the popular front/back horses print. It has a small stain at the top (and of course it's off white!) so I'm thinking if I can't clean in that I may re-purpose the dress into a skirt. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Getting started

I've been reading other people's blogs for god knows how long. Now here's my contribution. Voyeur becomes exhibitionist!

I really live and breath vintage. (see some of my vintage @ www.teastreetvintage.etsy.com) I'm going to post more on this Tuesday when I plan to update. For now, it's Sunday, beautiful outside and my friends are about to start up a back yard picnic. I'm headed out.

Til Tuesday...